1a) Booking confirmation by our partner Digistore24.com
Within the next 2 hours you should find the confirmation and invoice from our partner Digistore24 in your email.
If you have not received this, please check your SPAM folder.
1b) Book an appointment for your START-UP PACKAGE
We ask you to reserve your desired appointment on our appointment platform for your next coaching appointment under the link HERE.
After your reservation, you will then receive an appointment confirmation from our system.
(So we have done the organizational work)
1c) Preparatory questions for our interview
In the next few days you will receive all the important questions by e-mail for optimal preparation for our next coaching meeting.
Dear customer,
Thank you for your purchase and your trust in us!
Payment and debiting is handled by our partner Digistore24.com and the invoice is now sent by email from there.
The following order confirmation from Digistore24.com also contains a link that can be used to ask questions about the purchase.
For further questions about purchase, invoice and payments, please contact: support@digistore24.com.
Cancellation within the first 60 days after the date of purchase is possible if and as long as you have not yet used the service.
Have fun with your new product!
Best regards
For further questions you can contact us here:
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