Welcome to the START-UP-COACHING from Polarity.One!

Everything you need to be optimally prepared for the coaching

1. Here is the preparation for our START-UP PACKAGE (= homework):


Please prepare in writing (if possible in Word, Excel or similar):

1) The issue/problem:
Please describe (in max 4 sentences) the problem / situation that you want to solve / change.

2) The goal:
Please describe (in max 4 sentences) the goal you want to achieve.

3) The resistances / dislikes:

Please describe what bothers you regarding the topic on each of the 3 levels:

    • Thoughts I don’t want to think;
    • Feelings I reject;
    • Actions I avoid;

a) what bothers me / annoys me about myself (thoughts / feelings / actions)?
b) what bothers me / annoys me about the other (thoughts / feelings / actions)?
c) What bothers me / annoys me about my or other children (thoughts / feelings / actions)?
d) What bothers me / annoys me about my partner or my ex-partners (thoughts / feelings / actions)?



Thank you for your support !

If your written preparation does not reach me 1 day before the agreed coaching appointment, I reserve the right to postpone or cancel the appointment.
Possible costs are at the expense of the client.

2. Procedure of the START-UP coaching:


You clarify before the meeting:

  • Where you are right now (problem, topic)? =starting point
  • Where you want to go (definition of the change)? = target point
  • What prevents you from tackling this goal? = list of resistances

a) We research together (1 hour):

  • Which information is stored in you on this topic
  • We clarify the responsibility of this topic (to whom it belongs)
  • How are the connections between your problem / topic outside and your inside.
  • Which resistances in you cause the topic in the outside

b) We transform together (1-1.5 hours):

  • We choose the most important topic and do an InPoDu© transformation process together
  • You get a taste of how that feels
  • You feel the difference between “before” and “after”

c) Preparation and follow-up (30 minutes):

  • Questions to prepare for the meeting (to achieve higher quality)
  • Record of the results for the client



Personal responsibility and willingness to implement:

  • You take full responsibility for your situation and your actions.
  • You agree to do the necessary homework as best as possible
  • You stay tuned even when it gets difficult
  • You act in your own interest to achieve your goal


If you want to contact me or if you have special questions, you can enter them here: 

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